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Great advice, Kerri. I'm aware of many caregivers who've had sibling arguments, misinterpretations, 'old dynamics' being replayed, and shouting matches.

The ones who live farther away can often 'give advice' that feels like a criticism to the ones 'doing the doing' every day. Guilt, fear, toxic positivity, denial of reality or worse, money-grabbing are just some of the variables I've seen at play.

It sounds like you've been doing an amazing job of keeping everyone in your family 'in-the-loop' and feeling included, in addition to all that you do caring. Kudos and big respect for you! ( I hope you're getting some rest and everyone is pulling together to do their bit!)

I'll share this important article in my 'Resonance' index as a key reference for others. Thanks for writing this!

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